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Archive for February, 2016

Fluor Grant

Fluor Ltd, an engineering company based in Farnborough, have generously awarded us a grant to cover the cost of a course of  6 dance sessions with a dance tutor from South Hill park “Lift off” dance festival, Lena Dee Oliver. OFLAC been lucky enough to dance at “South Hill park

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Charitable donation from Gemalto

We are pleased to report that our volunteer Sean Hickey has been advised that International digital security Company Gemalto, has chosen to sponsor OFLAC with charitable donations throughout 2016. Sean explains…  At the beginning of the year the company I work for told us all that they want to raise money for a charity

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Eagle Radio Award

We are also delighted to announce that we have been awarded a £500 grant from “Eagle Radio Trust Awards”. Our Coordinator Bobbie Englefield and trustee Julie Khan will receive the award from Barry Funnell on “The Peter Gordon Breakfast show” on the 25th February 2016. Our members are delighted to have been selected to receive this award, which will

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